Thursday 28 September 2017

Nigerian Army Moves to Modernize Equipment

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai has intensified effort to modernize the Nigerian Army hardware and software equipment.
He made this known on Wednesday in Abuja, while talking to journalists on the side-line of a two-day seminar and exhibition of equipment for the Land Forces of West Africa.
The seminar which has participants from several countries, show cased a variety of military equipment by its manufacturers.
Buratai said the Nigeria Army is partnering with renowned military equipment manufacturers experienced in the production of military hardware and software, including communications technology.
He added that, “Their presence here will help greatly modernize the Nigerian Army in line with contemporary developments in science and technology.”
“That’s why we are collaborating with them, they came from different parts of the world and we are seeing the impact and result,” he explained.
He added that, “Our aim is to collaborate with the organizations and industries so that we have the best to modernize our own army as well.”
The Director Peconian limited, Phelim Rowe, also told journalists that, “We need manufactured in Nigeria equipment and internationally, we can have a real partnership both militarily and with industry.”
“In terms of equipment, we are talking about armored vehicles, helicopters, army aviation, artillery, communications, ballistics vest and many more,” he added.
He explained that, “it’s a very wide ranging land forces equipment conference, if you go in and see the exhibitors from around the world you would be impressed.”

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