Monday 3 July 2017


The Importance and use of mobile phones are no longer new to the world, the 21st century has been impacted through the use of mobile handheld devices, the use of mobile has made life easier and also cut across several sectors of life ranging from telecommunications itself to Banking, Agriculture and a host of other sectors most importantly SECURITY. 
 As we know mobile phones are quietly becoming the center of today’s digital economy with time spent on mobile device now greater than desktop. Mobile device have come to play vital roles in modern day security operations, Manufactures of mobile device has been able to incorporate several functions such as camera, voice recorder, GPS tracking system and even finger print scanners into them, these features have also been put to use during security operations . The handheld mobile device has been able to incorporate some of these features and function as an intelligence information gathering device, Intelligence gathering and investigation have also radically changed. As security agencies no longer had to result to following suspects around the clock which proved to be expensive and difficult, and could practically be deployed only against very high-priority suspects. Also gone are the days when intelligence information gathering devices used in gathering intelligence information had to be carried or worn by operatives increasing the risk of operations been compromised. Today vital information can be easily collected via the use of electronic communications service providers who could be used to obtain details on every phone call, Web search, e-mail, online chat as well as physical location reducing the risk and deployment of resources associated with providing HUMWIT (Human Intelligence) this has also made it possible for dragnet surveillance.
  Terrorists and armed gangs have shown keen ability to adapt to the techniques and methods
of counter-terror agencies and intelligence organizations over long term. The decentralization of the network form of organization within their ranks through cells allows them to adopt the use of mobile phones to reduce the disruption caused by the loss of key links in a chain of command. They have also been quick to use new technologies, and adapt
existing ones to their uses. To exchange information, they have exploited disposable mobile phones and other means of anonymous communications.
Embedding information in digital pictures and graphics is another innovation employed to enable the clandestine global communication that modern terrorists require. Counter Terrorism research has shown terrorists are improving their sophistication and abilities in virtually all aspects of their operations and support. The aggressive use of modern technology for information management, communication and intelligence has increased the
efficiency of these activities. Weapons technology and information has become more increasingly available, and the purchasing power of terrorist
organizations is on the rise. The ready availability of both technology and trained personnel to operate it for any client with sufficient cash allows the well-funded terrorist to equal or exceed the sophistication of governmental counter-measures. Likewise, due to the increase in information outlets, and competition with increasing numbers of other messages, they now require a greatly increased amount of violence or novelty to attract the attention it requires. The
tendency of major media to compete for ratings and the subsequent revenue realized from increases in their audience size and share produces
pressures on terrorists to increase the impact and violence of their actions to take advantage of this sensationalism thanks to audience
readily available via portable connectivity made possible through mobile device.
In spite of the positive roles, threats to security operations and operatives has increased as any individual owning a smart phone becomes a
potential spook capable of tipping off targets, such individual can also double as an eye witness, with social media readily accessible by anyone security operations face the great risk of been compromised by anyone armed with a smart phone. Smart phones interestingly ranked highest among methods used tip off law enforcement agents against criminal elements, credible evidence are there to show how security agencies have exploited this gap to network with citizens as it remains the fastest and perhaps secure method  of reporting  crime.
         Security agencies have also fallen victim to the  adverse effects of mobile devices with incidents of service personnel getting ambushed and in some cases killed as a result of hostile elements taking advantage of  service members who carelessly post sensitive information regarding troop movements, weapons and location, the use of social media such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram  has led to an increase in such cases .some institutions have recognized this threat and tried nipping it in the bud
by restricting the use of mobile devices by personnel on  active duty.

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