Thursday 17 August 2017

PROFORCE Unveils ARA Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)

                 First ARA MRAP prototype unveiled today 
Nigeria's foremost indigenous company Proforce unveiled its first Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle today, The ARA or THUNDER is a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle designed to provide ultimate protection for high degree threats. Combining an array of latest technology the ARA is a mission adaptive vehicle that provides superior crew protection and offensive ability.
LENGTH : 6800mm
HEIGHT : 2500mm
WIDTH : 2500mm
WHEELBASE : 3500mm
GVW : 19 Ton
PAYLOAD : 3000kg
ENGINE : 218 @ 2200rpm
GEARBOX : Allison 6 Speed Automatic
MAX SPEED : 96km/h
The ARA is integrated with a fully independent suspension system.
The independent suspension provides controlled and superior mobility
off-road and tough conditions.
The ARA’s traction and small turning circle gives it superior manoeuvrability through tight areas.
This capability combined with a powerful engine in four-wheel drive train provides the ARA MRAP to deal withFirstemely rough terrain effortlessly.
    A total of nine units have been ordered by the Nigerian Army.

  Delegates from the Defence Headquarters with PROFORCE CEO
The ARA utilizes heavy duty tires that is intended for all terrain operations.
Tire inflation system keeps tired correctly inflated with up to four bullet punctures.
While the internal vehicle run-flat system keeps a vehicle operational even when the tire is damaged.
360 visibility, multiple cameras and monitors. a variety of weapons including a 50 caliber machine gun can be mounted on the 360 roof turret. Which can be opened and fully enclosed.
A wide range of optional extras available including electronic countermeasures, grenade launchers, C4IS systems, NBC protection systems
Sidewall gun ports and the option to fit side facing roof hatch. The occupants can defend themselves in safety.
The ARA’s Protection capability comes with full spectrum hybrid armour systems.
As standard, the vehicle armour protection systems is independently tested for STANAG levels and above, and is designed to be fully up-gradable. The ARA can be equipped with slat armours and iron curtains to protect against RPGs.

Friday 4 August 2017

Trump Okays Sale Of Super Tucano Planes To Nigeria

The Trump administration is greenlighting a nearly $ 600 million sale of high - tech attack planes to Nigeria, officials said Thursday . The goal is to shore up the West African nation ’ s ability to fight Boko Haram and other extremists, despite U . S. concerns about human rights abuses by Nigerian security forces .
The sale will let Nigeria buy up to 12 Embraer A - 29 Super Tucano aircraft from Colorado -based Sierra Nevada Corp. , according to officials who were briefed on the matter but spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly . The aircraft come with sophisticated targeting equipment that the U . S says will help Nigeria fight terrorism , trafficking , insurgency and illicit trade.
In his final days in office , former President Barack Obama put the planned sale on hold after a Nigerian fighter jet repeatedly bombed a camp near the Cameroon border housing civilians who had fled Boko Haram. Local officials have said more than 230 people were killed, in an incident that brought new attention to alleged abuses by Nigeria’ s forces .
A few weeks later , newly inaugurated President Donald Trump told Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari that he supported the sale . Trump told the Nigerian leader in their first phone call that it would increase American exports and help Nigeria fight terrorists , according to officials .
The move is Trump ’ s latest to arm countries despite questionable rights records in some cases. On his first trip abroad as president , Trump announced a $ 110 billion sale of military equipment to Saudi Arabia , including precision - guided munitions that Obama had cut off over concerns about high rates of civilian casualties in Yemen . Saudi Arabia is at war with Iranian - backed Shiite rebels in Yemen .
Despite approving the sale to Nigeria, the U . S . is keeping up the pressure on Buhari ’ s government to improve its forces ’ human rights practices and ensure accountability for violators , a U . S . official said. The aim of the sale is to help Nigeria and its neighbors strengthen their ability to fight Boko Haram and an Islamic State group affiliate in West Africa . Other countries in the region fighting similar threats already have the Super Tucano, the official noted .
The State Department notified Congress late Wednesday of its plans to approve the sale . That triggered a 30- day review period in which lawmakers can try to block the sale . While several Democrats in particular have raised concerns, Congress is unlikely to stop the administration from proceeding .
John Campbell , a Nigeria scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations , said concerns have receded somewhat as Nigeria has taken steps to address shortcomings, including granting the International Committee of the Red Cross access to some Nigerian detention facilities .
“There are signs of some progress, ” Campbell said. Still , he said Nigeria had a “long way to go. ”
If the sale goes forward, the U . S . will have to send employees or contractors to Nigeria to provide logistical support and train teams on how to use the aircraft . They also would provide guidance on international laws for protecting civilians , officials said .
The Nigerian air force has been accused of bombing civilian targets several times in recent years. The State Department said in report last year that the Nigerian government has taken “few steps to investigate or prosecute officials who committed violations , whether in the security forces or elsewhere in the government, and impunity remained widespread at all levels of government. ”
Amnesty International also has accused Nigeria’ s military of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the extrajudicial killings of an estimated 8 , 000 Boko Haram suspects . Buhari promised to investigate the alleged abuses after he won office in March 2015 . No soldier has since been prosecuted .

Nigerian Airforce Kills Scores Of Boko Haram Terrorists

The Nigerian Airforce  jets have bombed Boko haram terrroists  in Bula Korege area of Bornu State on the fringes of Sambisa Forest, duri...